Who: All Employees, Teams
How: Instructor-Led
Live, Virtual, In-Person, or Blended
1 in 4! That is the number of people who have a diagnosable mental health issue every year. The workplace is also cited as one of the highest stressors in an employee or manager's life. While the problem may not have started there, the workplace environment is a substantial influence on our mental health, motivation, productivity and wellbeing overall. And you can make changes that have incredibly positive impacts.
PH&S is positively linked to organizational excellence, productivity, safety culture and positive mental health at work.
Create a shared language and understanding of psychological health and safety (PH&S), the workplace's newest frontier in occupational health and safety and the key to high-trust, high collaboration and inclusive culture.
We use the ISO 45003 (2021) global standard for Workplace Psychological Health & Safety, the 13 factors of the Canadian National Standard point and align them with science-based research for learning that employees can put to work in practical ways, as soon as they return to work.
Expect increased flexibility, increased inclusion behaviours and more positive conversations of mental health at work. These are all factors essential in environments that require agility and change.
Our services also can include individual and team coaching to support how new learning can become sustainable habits.
Not required but recommended prior learning: Mental Health First Aid, The Working Mind or Not Myself Today.
Who: All Employees, Teams
How: Instructor-Led
Live, Virtual, In-Person or Blended
The World Health Organization (WHO) has announced we are in a worldwide workplace stress epidemic. Country by country mental health statistics and workplace productivity, disability costs and absenteeism data supports the claim.
If your organization is not currently seeing some of these employee or financial challenges, the best time is now for prevention and internal strength building. Our training helps motivate and sustain positive change. We build new abilities to effectively manage the factors influencing workplace stress.
Benefit: increased positive individual and team behaviours, a safer workday and increased individual attention on how they can contribute to lower stress individually and as part of the workplace climate.
Contact us to learn about all of our programs. There are lots of ways to work together.
Who: C-Suite, Senior Managers, Workplace Leaders
How: Instructor-Led
Live, Virtual, In-Person or Blended
PH&S is positively linked to organizational excellence, productivity and performance, reduced workplace stressors, safety culture and positive mental health at work.
Creating better managers is the leading challenge for organizations operating in a dynamic, diverse work environment. To change culture, you must change behaviour. To change behaviour you must build a foundation of psychological safety and trust.
We know that you need a different set of skills. Using the latest evidence-based research in an integrated experiential learning approach is what makes our work with you different than traditional manager and leadership training.
We begin with the biggest influencer of positive change in mental health, motivation and performance. You will unlock unsurfaced individual and team strengths and learn how to apply them.
Result: increased positive individual awareness, and a psychologically-healthy and safe culture that reduces stress, increases productivity, engagement, achievement and joy at work.
Contact us to learn more. There are lots of ways to work together.
Not required but recommended prior learning: Mental Health First Aid, The Working Mind or Not Myself Today.
Who: Senior Managers, Human Resource Managers, Safety Officers, Team Supervisors
How: Instructor-Led
Live, Virtual or In-Person
Why: Understand the emerging changes that can support your organization effectively prevent and manage workplace conflict and risk.
Topics Include:
Who: Intact or Project-Created Teams
How: Instructor-Led
Live, Virtual or In-Person
Why: Some teams struggle to move into high-trust and a high state of collaboration. They might freeze and calcify at any stage of forming, norming, storming and performing. To achieve high performance requires a specific set of evidence-based competencies and skills. We can help ready your team for the mission critical work they are leading.
Workshop topics Include:
Who: Executive Management, Supervisors, Employee Teams, Association Leadership Teams
60 or 90 Minute Blasts of Distilled Learning
Live, Virtual or In-Person
Who: Frontline Supervisors and Managers
Virtual or In-Person
Inclusive Communications: Skills to Build & Sustain Team Cohesion & Psychological Safety
Skills-based training to help frontline supervisors create, demonstrate and model psychological safety, trust and empathy in their communications, relationships and interactions with their teams for greater employee inclusion, connection and commitment.
Virtual or In-Person
Thought-Provoking Boosts to Support Positive Change
Leadership and Communications:
Health, Wellness & Safety:
The Lighter Side of Learning: